Dr Monika Dynowska-Papros


Monika Dynowska-Papros

Dr Monika Dynowska-Papros, an associate in the dispute resolution department of Rymarz Zdort Maruta and a member of the Litigation & Arbitration team. 

Experience and education: 

Monika specialises in intellectual property law, drafting implementation agreements, transfer of intellectual property rights, granting licences and supporting clients in the process of negotiating various types of agreements in the field of IP and IT for the private and public sector. She participates in complex litigation concerning the implementation of IT solutions. Monika has authored publications in the field of intellectual property law.

She has professional experience gained at leading national law firms, where she has advised on intellectual property law (including industrial property) matters and participated in contract negotiation and litigation in the field of IT implementation, IPR infringement and fair competition for clients in the luxury goods, IT, creative and energy industries. She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw and completed the Art&Business programme at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London. Monika has received internships abroad, including at the Polish Representation to UNESCO in Paris. Monika completed numerous courses and training courses organised by international intellectual property organisations (WIPO, EUIPO, KIPA, KIPO and KAIST). She is certified by the AgilePM Foundation.

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