
The latest package of sanctions against Russia adopted – EU takes aim at Russian sanction dodging

22 July 2024

14th package of sanctions has been in place since 24 June of this year. It includes a further 69 individuals and 47 entities subject to asset freezes (in total, over 2,200 individuals and entities are now included), and has introduced further restrictive measures targeting sectors of the Russian economy such as energy, finance and trade. However, its main ob...

The latest package of sanctions against Russia adopted – EU takes aim at Russian sanction dodging

Competition law in the labour market - a new UOKiK guide

10 July 2024

Competition law in the labour market remains a hot topic in Poland and on an international scale. The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (the “UOKiK”), following global trends in the area of competition law violations in the labour market, has issued a guide to provide a set of guidelines for businesses, in particular for their respective HR depar...

Competition law in the labour market – a new UOKiK guide

The Polish Whistleblower Protection Act signed into law by the President

24 June 2024

The Whistleblower Protection Act (hereinafter also: the "Act") has already been signed by the President. This means that it will be published in the Journal of Laws very shortly and the requirements concerning internal whistleblower reporting will come into force within approximately three months with regard to all of the entities covered by the Act. The ...

The Polish Whistleblower Protection Act signed into law by the President

Publication of the minutes of negotiations with the Economic Commission

27 May 2024

As part of what is known as the Major Amendment to the Reimbursement Act (frequently referred to using the Polish acronym “DNUR”), the updated Article 36(6) of the Reimbursement Act has introduced the obligation for the outcome of negotiations with the Economic Commission to be published, together with the minutes of such negotiations, in the event of a reje...

Publication of the minutes of negotiations with the Economic Commission

Adoption of an updated Code of Medical Ethics for Physicians with a new set of rules for collaborating with the pharmaceutical industry

24 May 2024

On 18 May 2024, the Extraordinary XVI National Congress of Physicians adopted a new Code of Medical Ethics. The provisions of the Code set out the principles of ethics and govern the practice of the profession of a physician and include, among others, rules for the cooperation of physicians with the pharmaceutical industry, in particular with manufacturers o...

Adoption of an updated Code of Medical Ethics for Physicians with a new set of rules for collaborating with the pharmaceutical industry

Change in the situation of whistleblowers in capital groups

24 May 2024

We now know the content of the bill on the protection of whistleblowers (the“Whistleblower Protection Bill” and the “Whistleblower Protection Act”) after its adoption by the lower chamber of the Polish Parliament (Sejm). The Whistleblower Protection Bill is to require the implementation of local procedures and confidential channels for reporting violations o...

Change in the situation of whistleblowers in capital groups

Amendment to the Act on the National Cybersecurity System. Implementation of the NIS2 Directive in the health sector

17 May 2024

The draft amendment to the National Cyber Security System Act (the “Act”) extends the application of the Act to tens of thousands of entities from the 18 industries identified in the Act, including the health sector. The draft is intended to implement what is known as the NIS2 Directive. Due to the scarcity of awareness-raising activities, many entities h...

Amendment to the Act on the National Cybersecurity System. Implementation of the NIS2 Directive in the health sector

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act - what does it change and how to prepare for it?

14 March 2024

On 13 March 2024, the European Parliament adopted the EU Artificial Intelligence Act (the “AI Act”). This is a good time for a brief summary of where we are and what lies ahead in this field. We invite you to read the following overview of the key issues raised by the AI Act. There will certainly still be time for in-depth analyses. However, we are convin...

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act – what does it change and how to prepare for it?

Whistleblowers officially in the name of the Act - what other changes are in the bill?

7 March 2024

On 6 March, the latest bill regarding whistleblowers was published on the website of the Government Legislation Centre. The term “person reporting violations of law” (Polish: osoba zgłaszająca naruszenia prawa) has been officially replaced by “whistleblower” (Polish: sygnalista). As stated in the explanatory memorandum, this change is dictated by the presenc...

Whistleblowers officially in the name of the Act – what other changes are in the bill?

Digital Services Act – new responsibilities and opportunities for the internet industry

19 February 2024

The Digital Services Act (“DSA”), dubbed a “European constitution for the internet”, is intended to create a safer and more transparent online environment. From 17 February 2024, it will apply to all digital services that connect consumers to goods, services or content, so it should be of interest to most companies doing business online. Who does the DSA ...

Digital Services Act – new responsibilities and opportunities for the internet industry

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