Articles related to:
Energy & Natural Resources

Rymarz Zdort assists brokerage house Biuro Maklerskie PKO BP in connection with PLN 3.2 billion issuance of series E shares by PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna

9 May 2022

We are pleased to announce that Rymarz Zdort assisted Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Oddział Biuro Maklerskie, a Polish brokerage house acting as the global coordinator, in the process of th...

Rymarz Zdort assists brokerage house Biuro Maklerskie PKO BP in connection with PLN 3.2 billion issuance of series E shares by PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna

Rymarz Zdort advises Electrum in connection with negotiations of various agreements related to joint venture between Electrum and Nofar Europe B.V.

14 February 2022

Rymarz Zdort advised Electrum sp. z o.o. (“Electrum”), a Polish consultancy, engineering and technology company, in connection with the negotiations of various agreements related to certain joint vent...

Rymarz Zdort advises Electrum in connection with negotiations of various agreements related to joint venture between Electrum and Nofar Europe B.V.

Rymarz Zdort advises on carve-out of gas power plant in Ostrołęka

8 July 2021

Rymarz Zdort advised entities of Energa Capital Group S.A., part of the ORLEN Group, on various aspects of a carve-out of a gas power plant from Elektrownia Ostrołęka sp. z o.o. and in connection with...

Rymarz Zdort advises on carve-out of gas power plant in Ostrołęka

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