We provide regulatory advice on a wide range of issues associated with regulated financial institutions – both general and specialist advice, with a particular focus on what is broadly understood as financial services technology. Our offer is specifically designed for “traditional” financial institutions, that is, banks, brokerage houses, funds, etc., as well as FinTechs and entities that are looking to start providing services in this sector.
Based on our expertise, we are able to apply our knowledge to handle new market developments in digital finance such as: artificial intelligence in the financial sector, innovative payments (including payment services provided by payment service providers operating as AISPs, PISPs, etc.), innovative solutions (e.g. Digital Onboarding), crowdfunding, Banking as a Service (BaaS) and other new services specific to the financial industry (including services related to the digital resilience of the financial sector, specifically issues related to DORA).
We provide support in the following areas: public banking law, preparing for new regulations, cloud solutions contracting, FinTech, outsourcing agreements, including ICT services, compliance and AML, legal services for business units of banks, cybersecurity, GDPR, and software licensing.