Dagmara Olewicz


Dagmara Olewicz is a trainee attorney-at-law and an associate in the privacy & data protection department of Rymarz Zdort Maruta.

Experience and education:

She advises clients on data protection, e-commerce, intellectual property law, and competition and consumer protection law. She has participated in opining on business projects in terms of their compliance with the law, including, in particular, in relation to the operation of websites, online shops and mobile applications. She has participated in proceedings conducted by the President of the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) and the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (PUODO, the Polish Data Protection Commissioner). She has also participated in GDPR compliance audits and the implementation of compliance measures. She is currently supporting, among others, a leading postal service provider, one of the largest restaurant operators in Europe and an international construction company.

Dagmara is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. She completed postgraduate studies in corporate law titled “The Companies Academy” at the Warsaw School of Economics, and the American Law Program organised by the Jagiellonian University in cooperation with the Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America. She is currently a student at the School of French Law organised by the Jagiellonian University in cooperation with the University of Orléans.

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