Dominika Duda


Dominika Duda

Dominika Duda is a trainee advocate, an associate in the technology department of Rymarz Zdort Maruta and a member of the IT Contracts team.

Experience and education: 

She specialises in intellectual property law, copyright law and new technologies law. She has provided ongoing legal advice and has been involved in the processes of drafting and negotiating technology contracts for major Polish and international entities in, among others, the telecommunications, energy and IT sectors.

She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and completed studies in Intellectual Property and New Media Law. She also studied at Freie Universität in Berlin as part of a law student exchange programme. Dominika gained professional experience at, among others, a leading law firm specialising in intellectual property law, new technologies law, competition law and personal data protection, providing services to Polish and international companies, capital groups and corporations, as well as major public institutions.

In 2019, she was the winner of the IP Challenge 10th Edition, the only inter-university intellectual property law tournament in Poland. In the course of her studies, she organised the Academy of Intellectual Property Law Contracts at the Jagiellonian University, an academic project comprising a series of workshops showing students the practice of transaction structuring and contract drafting, and participated in an IP Student programme, for which the best students in intellectual property law-related achievements are selected.

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