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Maciej Kowalski is an attorney-at-law admitted to practice in Poland, a senior associate in the corporate department of Rymarz Zdort Maruta and a member of the Equity Capital Markets practice.
Maciej is a specialist in commercial companies law and capital markets law. He has advised on initial and secondary public offerings of equity securities, including accelerated book building processes, as well as on transactions involving shares in listed companies such as public tender offers, squeeze-outs and buybacks of shares of public companies.
He has assisted issuers of securities listed on the regulated market in day-to-day corporate matters, in the performance of disclosure obligations of public companies and the structuring and implementation of employee stock option plans. He has represented issuers of securities in proceedings before the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the Warsaw Stock Exchange. He has also advised in relation to applying for admission of equity securities to trading on the regulated market.
Maciej graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź in 2019. He also completed postgraduate studies in French law co-organised by the University of Łódź and the Université François-Rabelais in Tours (France). He qualified as an attorney-at-law in 2023.