
E-commerce & Digital Marketing

We are a team of experts providing legal advice to e-commerce businesses. We have advised on Poland’s largest online sales and digital marketing market projects. We have the advantage of many years of experience with entities conducting global sales of goods and services via the Internet, including both Polish and international companies.

We have an excellent understanding of new technologies, having had a long-standing interest in cookies and other similar technologies related to online identifiers. We are also well-versed in behavioural targeting, programmatic advertising and RTB mechanisms. This enables us to not only develop legally compliant consent collection mechanisms, but also to independently launch tools that support cookie consent management.

E-commerce and e-business are developing at a staggering pace, and legal regulations and regulator requirements are changing in tandem with them. Increasingly, the e-commerce industry is being associated not only with the sale of goods, but also with services and the distribution of intellectual property with the use of online and mobile technologies. Likewise, we do not confine our professional efforts to supporting online shops only. We also advise publishers, content providers, aggregators, comparison sites, social networks, marketplace operators and companies that deal with the analytics of web-sourced data. Our support is a combination of legal expertise, experience and in-depth insight into the solutions used in the Internet and mobile industries, as well as knowledge of the expectations of regulators in the areas of personal data, consumer rights, telecommunications activities and antitrust legislation.

For more than a dozen years we have been facilitating the development of new areas of online business, as well as the use of mobile technologies and, more recently, IoT and AI. We assist in the introduction of new business models, the creation of marketplaces, and the launch of the sale of special goods and services (such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs and similar substances). The members of our e-commerce team have many years of experience in handling e-business projects and are familiar with the legal regulations that affect this sector. An excellent knowledge of the industry and its solutions, combined with regulatory experience, allows us to effectively advise on even the most complex and unconventional projects. We do not limit our work to the big names in e-business. We also support start-ups and companies that are starting to sell online after a successful run in their respective sectors. It gives us the greatest pleasure to implement new business models and launch groundbreaking projects in industries that have so far rarely been associated with web-based and mobile technologies.


Paweł Tobiczyk


Paweł Tobiczyk

Piotr Kalina


Piotr Kalina

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