Magdalena Krasińska


Magdalena Krasińska

Magdalena Krasińska is an attorney-at-law admitted to practice in Poland and a counsel in the dispute resolution department of Rymarz Zdort Maruta.

Experience and education:

Magdalena specialises in civil and commercial litigation and dispute resolution, as well as administrative law. She has extensive experience in litigation in the field of press law and the protection of the personal rights of individuals and legal entities, as well as labour law, real estate law and environmental law. Her practice includes, in particular, enforcement of claims related to infringements of personal rights (such as good name, reputation, dignity, privacy or image), including against journalists and publishers. Magdalena’s professional interests also encompass issues related to the institution of correction under press law. In addition, she has participated in transactions involving construction investments. Her litigation experience includes pursuing claims for breach of complex commercial agreements and construction contracts, including representation of one of the largest Polish energy companies in a construction dispute with a value in excess of PLN 100 million. In the field of environmental law, she has advised on investments, the implementation of which has been challenged by environmental organisations, including the successful representation of a Polish energy company in proceedings for the annulment of a decision extending the validity of an environmental decision. Magdalena additionally has extensive experience in cases regarding access to public information. She has advised clients on how to handle requests for the disclosure of public information, as well as successfully representing clients in administrative court proceedings regarding complaints seeking access to public information and complaints about inaction by public administrative authorities.

Magdalena Krasińska advises companies operating in many sectors of the economy, including transport, energy, construction, real estate and banking. She has represented clients at all levels of the court system: common courts, the Supreme Court and administrative courts, including the Supreme Administrative Court. She has also represented clients in mediations in civil cases concerning, inter alia, the protection of personal rights and claims arising from construction disputes, as well as in mediations before administrative courts concerning access to public information.

She graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University of Lublin in 2005.

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