
AI & Data

The use of artificial intelligence requires compliance with various legal regulations, including the GDPR, intellectual property law, competition law, consumer protection law, and regulations applicable to specific sectors (e.g. banking, insurance, energy, pharmacy, and medicine).

Our AI Desk is the first legal team in Poland that offers end-to-end support in the safe implementation of AI-based solutions in compliance with applicable regulations. In addition to our highly-specialised legal expertise, we share our understanding and passion for new technologies. We are an interdisciplinary team of experts that supports the design, development and implementation of AI systems in organisations. We analyse the implementation of artificial intelligence in terms of, inter alia, technology, ethics and human rights.


Marcin Maruta

Marcin Maruta

Managing Partner

Marcin Maruta
Michał Kulesza

Michał Kulesza


Michał Kulesza
Marcin Serafin

Marcin Serafin


Marcin Serafin

View members of our individual practices and teams >

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Rymarz Zdort Maruta is recommended in 12 legal categories

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Rymarz Zdort Maruta is recommended in 12 legal categories

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