
Privacy & Data Protection

We are a leading law firm on the Polish data protection market. We have advised clients on some of the largest and most prominent data protection projects. Since 2018, Polish and international legal rankings have identified us as a leader in this area and consistently classified our attorneys as recommended practitioners.

We have represented clients in the course of audits conducted by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, as well as in court cases in proceedings involving reports of data protection violations, and in individual complaints. We have secured multi-million PLN victories for our clients in the most high-profile proceedings before the Polish supervisory authority.

We have implemented GDPR compliance procedures in over 250 companies from a wide variety of industries and conducted over one hundred GDPR compliance audits. Our practice is not solely focused on the Polish market – we have frequently advised clients on both EU regulations and global privacy programmes.

We offer our clients a full range of support in this area. We assist them in developing programmes for privacy protection and data transfers outside the EEA, we represent clients in proceedings before the Polish Data Protection Commissioner and in court proceedings relating to personal data protection issues. We assist in the implementation and maintenance of GDPR compliance, we provide outsourced Data Protection Officer services and day-to-day support, we assist in the handling of data protection breaches and individual complaints, as well as in the implementation of the OneTrust platform, of which we are the only partner in Poland. We share our expertise as part of our “RODO-Środy” programme.

We have a team of highly qualified privacy specialists who are seasoned practitioners, including former employees of the Personal Data Protection Office.


Marcin Serafin

Marcin Serafin


Marcin Serafin

Paweł Tobiczyk


Paweł Tobiczyk

Piotr Kalina


Piotr Kalina

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